Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Forever is a long, long time when you've lost your way.

I've been presented with tempting options upon my arrival home, and even more enticing places to visit instead. I'm leaving the sidewalks lined with magnolia and palm trees, the crosswalks with flowers stuck to the hot asphalt, the hot metal benches at the bus stops and train stations, the massive hill that is Gladstone road, the hike to South Bank, the river, the shaded parks with bright green grass, the tan lines from being outdoors for a mere 10 minutes- i'll miss it all.  March 24th is 25 days away, which comes out to 3 weeks and 3 days.
Part of me is wondering how i'll feel once i'm back home...What will it be like once i've fallen back into old routine of cleaning house, weekly gatherings with friends, and generally settling in? Am i going to go stir crazy knowing there isn't a massive city outside my front door, waiting to be explored? How unexciting to know what to spend my money on and what time the sun sets and rises, or even what time stores open and close. I'll go from not knowing what to do with my time because i'm unfamiliar with my surroundings to utterly having no clue what to do. I'll grow lonely again, but not because my friends and family are in another country. I'll get tired of listening to everyone's lives and not listening to my own. I'll get bored with my work and eventually stop writing and painting. Or maybe i won't, maybe this 'falling off the earth' is what's going to make my life different. That's got to be it, i just don't know it yet.

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